Experts in strategic geological resources research

Technology metals europe: discovering a sustainable future

Technology Metals Europe for a more sustainable future

We are a Spanish company, leaders in the evaluation and measurement of strategic mineral resources for the energy transition in Europe.

Our mission is to drive innovation and sustainable development through responsible research into raw materials essential to 21st century technology, such as coltan, tin, lithium and tungsten.

Technology Metals Europe is an innovative materials research services company in Spain, playing a key role in the identification and evaluation of strategic minerals throughout the Iberian Peninsula, contributing to the development and sustainability of this sector.

About us.
Pioneering exploration of critical minerals for the energy transition

Discovering the earth's treasure with advanced technology.

¡Explora Ahora!

Geological exploration.

Discover the technologies and advances that are transforming underground exploration. We have a team of highly trained geologists and professionals who have a deep understanding of the geology and mineralogy of the region in which they operate.


Drone and satellite mapping.

Advanced technology. We use state-of-the-art technology, such as satellite geological mapping, geographic information systems (GIS), with drone magnetic surveying equipment and techniques, to collect detailed geological and geophysical data.


Advanced data analytics.

Resource and reserve evaluation. Technology Metals Europe performs mineral resource and reserve estimation, which helps investors and companies in the industry to understand the potential of a deposit and to plan exploitation in an efficient and sustainable manner.


Compliance with regulations.

Sustainable environmental monitoring for mineral research. We comply with all environmental and safety regulations and standards in force in Spain. This is essential to ensure that research and exploration activities are conducted in a sustainable and safe manner.



Integrated services.

In addition to the research itself, we offer additional services such as mining project planning, permitting and licensing, exploration project management, waste dump management and strategic mineral recovery, and international trading of critical resources.


Collaboration in the industry.

At Technology Metals Europe, we work closely with like-minded companies to identify opportunities for development and expansion, as well as to optimise research, exploration and future exploitation of deposits, if necessary.


Nestled in the Salamanca region of northwestern Spain, and close to the Portuguese border, the town of Villasrubias has gained recognition in the mining industry, becoming a reference point in the search for high-grade lithium. In a recent exploration, TECHNOLOGY METALS EUROPE has located lithium deposits that have surprised the research community, boosting hopes for a prosperous future for both the local community and the clean energy industry in Spain.

Lithium has become a vital resource in the transition to a more sustainable economy and the production of high-performance batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems. High-quality lithium sources are scarce, which makes discoveries such as Villasrubias extremely valuable.

Technology Metals Europe’s team of geologists have shown that preliminary tests reveal high-grade lithium concentrations in the subsurface, suggesting the presence of significant deposits. This finding has triggered interest from the rest of the research community, government institutions and exploration companies, as well as investment groups.

The economic impact on Villasrubias is encouraging. Increased activity in the sector can generate local employment and revitalise the region’s economy. In addition, the investment in infrastructure and technology will improve the quality of life for local residents, demonstrating that responsible exploration projects of this kind can have a positive impact on communities.

This exciting discovery at Villasrubias not only benefits the region, but also contributes to the growing global demand for high quality lithium. As Technólogy Metals Europe develops further research and advances in the valuation of this resource, it is hoped that the renewable energy and electric mobility industry will continue to move towards a more sustainable future. Villasrubias has become an example of how innovation and exploration can open up new opportunities in unexpected places.

The Villasrubias research permit covers an area of about 11 km2 . The object of investigation are pegmatite and pegmoaplite dykes with mineralisation of lithium, tantalum, niobium and tin. Of these 4 substances, the first 3 are critical raw materials for the European Union, according to the list published in September 2020.

The permit is located in the south-western corner of the province of Salamanca (Castilla y León), 33 km from Ciudad Rodrigo, located next to the A-62 motorway (part of the European route E80, which connects Portugal).

The land under investigation belongs to the Hesperian Massif, one of the main lithium prospective areas in Europe, with a good number of research projects on this strategic raw material, both in Spain (Extremadura, Castilla y León, Galicia) and in Portugal.

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01. Geología y Minería. →

La zona del permiso de investigación, está ubicada en torno a una antigua explotación de estaño abandonada en la década de los 40 del pasado siglo. El área que comprende el permiso, está cubierta en su mayoría, por materiales del Complejo Esquisto-Grauváquico. Se trata una potente sucesión de pizarras y areniscas del Precámbrico afectadas por metamorfismo regional de grado bajo. Estos materiales se encuentran afectados


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02. Trabajos investigación. (Fase1) →

Los primeros estudios de la zona fueron efectuados por SIEMCALSA (Sociedad de Investigación y Explotación Minera de Castilla y León), consistieron en la toma de muestras, geofísica (IP y tomografía eléctrica) y calicatas -295m. En el área de LA CANALITA, se reconocieron diques mineralizados a lo largo de al menos 370m. Las muestras de apilita/pegmatita de esta zona presentan unos relevantes contenidos de Li, Nb, Ta y Sn.

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03. Trabajos investigación (Fase2) →

Durante 2022 y 2023, TECHNOLOGY METALS EUROPE, ha desarrollado un intenso programa de investigación, que comprende estudios geofísicos avanzados y una campaña de 1.200 metros aproximadamente, con unos resultados publicados y públicos, le permiten afrontar una segunda campaña de sondeos más ambiciosa.

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Discovering Underground Treasures

News from techonoly metals europe and energy  transitions mineral

06 September 2024


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    Cdad. Rodrigo, Salamanca
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